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Pól Ó Lorcáin
Paul Larkin

Chroniclers are privileged to enter where they list, to come and go through keyholes, to ride upon the wind, to overcome in their soarings up and down, all obstacles of distance, time and place.
Charles Dickens - Barnaby Rudge, Chapter The Ninth

The Glorious Irish Republic - right here, right now

Right outside my door - a young woman, her face scorched by smack, throwing her ring up, whilst her equally young boyfriend, face emaciated by drugs watches helplessly. He can't hold her up because he's on two crutches, so he falls on to the pavement.

Jeez drugs are really cool aren't they?

right here right now in your glorious Republic


This comment on the above blog came from a far flung cousin in New York

"Apropos to drugs, I recall a visit to Kilrush, County Clare in the early 1990's and seeing what I perceived as heroin addicts in that small town. Hey, I am from NY and am street smart, to a certain degreee. I know how to recognize a druggie.

During that same visit, I stirred a bit of 'displeasure' in Kilrush by going to the local precinct and reporting that a local bar owner in the town had been serving men to a point of total inebriation (zero comprehension). I mean, totally shit-faced men walking out of the bar and possibly getting into their cars. I was horrified and simply made an inquiry as to whether or not an owner should not be serving liquor to a patron beyond a certain point. The Garda was not pleased with me and all of their body language indicated - get the fuck out of here. Another fucking American sticking his nose where it doesn't belong". "
by: Pol (contact) - 14 Jun '11 - 18:35
I totally agree with your New York cousin, Pablo, and the assumed attitude of the Garda does not surprise me. Having lived some months in Newcastle West, and being far from a 'sober' person, I was disgusted to the core at the nonsensical distribution of mad doses of alcohol in lieu of money...the ensuing 'closing-times' were indescribable as people took over the streets in a drunken stupor. Add to that drug use for certain and the cocktail becomes highly dangerous...I only know that of you take alcohol and drugs out of many social equations, solutions to society's problems become easier...but isn't that a Catch 22 situation?
I amn't totally sure if the powers that be are asking the right questions when it comes to substance abuse. Solutions are attempted 'ad infinitum'. Some work; some do not. What is needed is honestly and truthfully unearthing root causes. That will eventually solve the problem. Until then all suffer: those under the curse and friends, family and colleagues watching.
Fortunately many are working in the right direction and progress is being made slowly, even if it is just the young couple you mentioned above who are able to 'kick' their habits.
by: Finn Anson (contact) - 14 Jun '11 - 21:20
Go raibh maith agat Finn a chara

I think the answer (in a small country like Ireland anyway) is staring at us in the face but we need a social revolution to make it work.
From my own experience and from the studies I have read, kids who engage in sports and hobbies and who generally have a high self esteem tend not to become drug addicts.
Rich people take drugs for recreation and have a huge support network for their dahlings who fall by the wayside.

Poor people take drugs to forget - go figure
by: Pol (contact) - 14 Jun '11 - 23:20
Pol, a chara
I tend to go along with what you say concerning infra-structure for the rich and destitution for the 'lesser-mortals'. I see it around me. I do entirely agree that a social revolution will go a very long way to helping solve many substance abuse problems and I would go further and suggest that a major part of a responsable social revolution can, and must, begin in the schools. If time, energy and necessary funds are injected into schooling from a very early age the future prospect of a caring and thoughtful society can be envisaged. The two unfortunate characters in your initial piece were once young, care-free and innocent. One day they took the wrong road and no-one was there to grab them by the arm and say, 'No! Don't go that way!' At my own personal and rudimentary level I spend a lot of time just listening to the youth, letting them know I understand numerous frustrations, patiently watching them from a distance. However, when I put my foot down; I put it down because that is the right thing to do and to do otherwise would not help them, their future and the future of society as a whole. I am often met with anger, tears and sometimes violence but in the long run most youth, once the dust has settled, understand that their best interests are at heart. As for self esteem the most essential aspect of work with the youth, in my own humble opinion and in this poisonous society, is encouragement!!! I reiterate, the mad, angry, thieving, nasty, violent drug addict of twenty two was once a baby; a child. There was a moment where they were unscathed by society. So if they have become, for want of a better word, 'misfits', whose fault is it? I maintain, mine, as a part of a collective resposability. Adults have created these problems; we need now to repare them. Encouragement is one sure ingredient in the well being of any human being and more importantly a youth who is trying to forge an identity in a very messy inheritance. I amn't quite sure why the education systems haven't honestly addressed the drugs issues. I believe though, as you do Pol, that the answer is staring us in the face. It is just going to take courage and imagination to put it into action. Gra Mor!
by: Finn Anson (contact) - 16 Jun '11 - 21:01


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Meta Information:

Title: The Glorious Irish Republic - right here, right now
Date posted: 14 Jun '11 - 09:50
Filed under: General
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