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Pól Ó Lorcáin
Paul Larkin

Chroniclers are privileged to enter where they list, to come and go through keyholes, to ride upon the wind, to overcome in their soarings up and down, all obstacles of distance, time and place.
Charles Dickens - Barnaby Rudge, Chapter The Ninth

A response from Brian Anson to today's May Day blog on Martin McGuinness


I agree with everything Paul has written. The worrying, and sad, possibility is that the threat to Martin McGuinness could become a replay of the Michael Collins tragedy in 1922.
Collins who, almost single-handedly, had created the Republican Army, was a good man. I don’t believe he was right to sign the Treaty which partitioned Ireland, but I do believe that he did it in good faith believing that it was a crucial step towards the unification of the country, a goal which he believed would come, by force or negotiation, soon after The Treaty. There was a certain logic in his thinking: The Republic had been fighting to free it’s entire country: The Treaty left just six counties to free. Collins was not a politician, he was a freedom fighter. Who knows what the history of Ireland would have been during the past century had this genuine Republican fighter not been assassinated by his former comrades?
Personally I believe that, had he survived, the occupied six counties would have long been a thing of the past. The Republic (as proclaimed in 1916) had, by its courage to fight, brought the occupying enemy to the negotiation table – it was not the other way round despite the bombastic threats of Lloyd George that he would wage wholesale war unless the Republic accepted The Treaty. I believe that McGuinness (and many others) have similarly, through their courage, brought the enemy to the table and that they will achieve that, long-awaited, goal of a united Ireland. The Treaty led to The Civil War the ferocity of which was exacerbated by the assassination of Michael Collins: please God, let this not happen again.

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Title: A response from Brian Anson to today's May Day blog on Martin McGuinness
Date posted: 01 May '09 - 20:01
Filed under: General
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