
Pól Ó Lorcáin
Paul Larkin

Chroniclers are privileged to enter where they list, to come and go through keyholes, to ride upon the wind, to overcome in their soarings up and down, all obstacles of distance, time and place.
Charles Dickens - Barnaby Rudge, Chapter The Ninth

Update: Henry McDonald writes a good article on collusion and the Guardian pulls it

Cic Saor readers are well aware that I've been a fierce critic of the Guardian's Ireland correspondent Henry McDonald over the last few years, but its only fair that he should be praised and defended when he gets it right, which he did do with a strong piece he wrote yesterday on the book Lethal Allies (see yesterday's blog).
Léigh an t-alt uilig - Read Full Article....

State collusion with pro British death squads – Irish journalism also stands in the dock

Lethal Allies - provides proof of systematic collusion

It seems that with Anne Cadwallader’s new and widely publicised book Lethal Allies, the dam walls of silence and censorship that have been built around the collusion story have finally been burst asunder. The decades long part played by the British state (acting in concert with the worst and most sectarian elements of loyalism in Ireland) is now accepted as an appalling fact. It is the fact, in my opinion, that the highest officers of the British state aligned themselves with rabidly sectarian murder gangs that made it a British Jihad.
Léigh an t-alt uilig - Read Full Article....

Why hasn't Rupert Murdoch’s kingmaker in Ireland been investigated in Ireland?

Former News Int. Exec. and alleged hacker Alex Marunchak

Alex Marunchak is a Ukrainian national who rose to the top of Rupert Murdoch’s News International media organisation from the 1980s through to 2006. (He was also vetted by MI5, subject to the Official Secrets Act and employed by London’s Metropolitan police as a translator/interpreter for whom he worked for nearly 20 years).
Léigh an t-alt uilig - Read Full Article....


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