A pregnant woman in repose on a hot summer’s day
Scríobh mé an dán seo mar cheiliúradh an lá go dtáinig mo iníon Sorcha ar an tsaol – an Seachtú lá de mhí Meitheamh 2006 – buíochas do Dhia na Glóire.This poem was written as a celebration on the the birth of my daughter Sorcha - 7th of June 2006.
A pregnant woman in repose on a hot summer’s day
She is the very opposite of black
A siren luring sailors to her back
Like a sperm whale
Turning in the tide of life
She is vast
The world riding
On her immanence
In her regal presence
She is a primordial specimen
A soul bifurcating
So as to return to a single essence
Her replicance
She bears the lodestone
Of all that is bright
Arousing Man from his doldrums
Banishing the Dark One.
Paul Larkin
Written in Grogan's Pub
Baile Átha Cliath